Wednesday, November 19, 2014


It’s November! When did that happen? Well, 19 days ago I guess, but did it sneak up on you as well? This year, along with being amazing, has been a mighty quick one!

I mentioned the ‘Big C’ (Christmas) in my last post and over the weekend it became even more apparent how near we are to it.  Chrissy trees are already donning the aisles at shopping malls and now that Daylight Savings has kicked in, the longer, balmy days remind me that summer and of course my favourite holiday, are just so tantalisingly close. 

So I thought I would take this opportunity to let you know about my two latest prints that I have just launched just in case you are on the hunt for something a little special to give this year. If you are anything like me and look forward to the build up to Christmas almost as much as the holiday itself, then be sure to get in quick with these babies as the editions are limited. Then you have the perfect excuse to get the tree out and start decorating!

You can purchase them via my website, or pop over to the lovely folk at Frankie and Coco, who can also organise framing for you! Too easy! They will send them straight to your door… all you have to do then is decide who the lucky recipient is… (Maybe you’ll like them so much you wont be able to part with them!)

Budgie Love:
Limited edition of 25, $280ea
Giclee print on 310gsm Canson acid free cotton rag paper
Size 600 x 600 mm inclusive of a white border for framing purposes

An Ordinary Eden
Limited edition of 12, $200ea
Giclee print on 310gsm Canson acid free cotton rag paper
Size 594 x 420 mm (A3) inclusive of a white border for framing purposes

Till next time, enjoy this glorious weather!
Mia x

Friday, October 31, 2014

Jumbled Love!

Ok, so Ill admit it.  I love when people visit me in the studio.  Despite being a  sacred place for me, where I spend most of my days with my feathered and bikini-clad friends, it can sometimes get a little lonely.  So when the lovely Pip from Jumbled contacted me to come, visit, interview and photograph me and my work, it was a mutually beneficial exchange.  Its always such a joy for me to share my works with people; when people are interested and excited by what I do, it just me feel like the luckiest girl in the world… having the ‘job’ I have.

Jumbled is great, and you must check it out – the link to my article is here:

Full of inspiring posts about artists, designers other goodies it’s the type of site that you can lose hours and hours, just perusing the pretty posts… and uh oh, you can also purchase from this site… hide that credit card!

On that note, I am lucky enough to also now have my works featured on this site for sale! Not to mention that one of my works sold within 24hours of being featured on their site.  Thank you so much Jumbled… I know where ill be doing my Christmas shopping this year! Get in quick art lovers! 

Mia x

Monday, October 27, 2014

Thank you Yen Mag

Wow! So it’s suffice to say that life has been a little crazy since my Archibald Prize nomination (good crazy) and so it’s been a little while between posts!

So, getting back on the blogging horse, I wanted to say a huge thank you to the wonderful folks from Yen Magazine, who featured me and my last exhibition that was held at NG Gallery, ‘Night Queen’.  You can find the link to the article here:

It was a thrill to be featured in such a leading womens’ magazine and website, one that I have admired for some time. The article starts with “What is Paradise” and this is something that I definitely try to explore within my work.

Speaking of ‘paradise’, I have just returned from a wonderful trip to Vietnam, where I took 10 days from reality to recoup and recharge. The colours in this beautiful country are superb, its truly like nowhere I have every been before.

Since being back (I arrived home just a few days ago) I have been even more inspired to spend time in the studio painting and creating. 

So thank you all for being so patient with me and stay tuned for some updates about the new works from the studio!

Mia x

Wednesday, August 6, 2014


It was so great to be selected for this years Archibald prize! The support and love that I felt from all my friends family, and fellow artists was really an amazing thing. After trying 8 previous times, with one entry making it to the Salon Des Rufuses in 2011 it really was 9 nine times lucky!

I painted the artist Tim Maguire, and it was a great experience to go and draw, photograph, and hang out with an artist that I have respected for so long, and just have a look at their process, studio, and how they go about things.

As I found out Tim and I go about things in completly opposite ways. I am quite inituitive in how I paint, and just go with what feels right, where as Tim begins with specific colour layering, before the splattering.

I didn't want to give to much energy to this prize, and fuss around for too long on this painting, because there is nothing more devestating than spending weeks on  a painting....especially if it looks terrible, submitting it for a prize, and then being rejected, so I kept it fast and loose. This painting was done in 4 hrs, and I enjoyed every minute!

It seemed freeing my mind of any pressures, worked best, and the paintings organic nature, lack of a projector, like so many other's in there, and concentration on shabam colours really make it stand out!

Getting into a prize like this really takes your career onto another level, as the beautiful lady from the AGNSW said it's not that you have made it, it's like you are on the rim of the cup, and I'd loved that description.

While I was lucky to be there, there were at least a dozen artists whose work that I follow on instagram that I would have liked to have seen there too...we are so lucky to have that platform now, and the chance to connect with magazines and bloggers that being spoken about in either glowing or demeaning terms by an art critic isn't the be all and end all these days.

This photo above is me pictured at the AGNSW on the Archibald night with my painting of Tim Maguire entitled THE REAL THING.

As artists we have to enter these prizes that pit our work against each other, I titled my painting the real thing, because the only thing that's real,  it's enjoying yourself, and loving what you do.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014


Thanks to the awesome team at Real Living magazine who featured my work in their 100th edition cover art June edition alongside the legendary Gorman, Martine Emdur, Blacklist studio, Beastman to name a few! It was a such a fun project to do. I went right out there with it, and just cut up, spray painted, and drew all over 5 different styled up shots that Real living provided. This is what they selected! So fun to be able to let loose like that! Real Living also featured me on their instagram and in the July edition of Fave Finds!! So many thanks xxx

Also thanks to Yen Mag who did a feature on my current exhibition Night Queen on at NG ART GALLERY running to the 16th of August- 3 Little Queen Street Chippendale Sydney.

Huge thanks to everyone who made it out last wednesday to the opening! It was a huge turnout, and I couldn't have asked for a better night filled with all of my fav people and also meet a lot of new ones too with a great vibe! way to go!


Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Winter's Warming up in Wonderland!

Hi all,
Hope you’ve all been enjoying the beginning of winter. As much as I love summer you can’t beat winter for the chance to style it up with hats, and boots, and long winter coats!

I’m happy to tell you that our group show “Creatures Lovers and Wild Women” held in my studio with Shannon Crees and Lexi Land was not only packed with a great vibe, but was also successful! Special thanks to Jamie Parker our gorgeous Green MP who helped get the word out on his newsletter and facebook page, and Eastside radio station who kindly helped to promote our show.

That was only a little over a month ago but it feels like ages ago now, so entrenched am I in the next project, my brand new solo exhibition Night Queen, which will be held by NG Art Gallery in Chippendale Sydney on the 29th of July. Exciting!!

I can’t wait to show everyone my brand new work in the flesh! A vibrant mash up of Beauty Queens, Babes in Bikini’s and Beautiful Budgies, Welcome to paradise! But until that date I’ll be most likely painting my brains out!

Thanks to the wonderful who have featured some of my new work in their latest edition on pg 11, and to the ever amazing Real Living Magazine who invited me to create  a cover artwork for their 100th edition alongside 10 other superstars artist designers including Gorman and Martine Emdur, Beastman, This edition is out now!!

I’ve also found a new love…photography, that is taking photos on an iphone! I’m an instant kinda person so it suits me perfectly, goodbye dark rooms from yesteryear and college days! You can check out my efforts on my instagram page @miaoatley which is nearing 600 followers! Happy Winter everyone! xx

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Sydney artists Mia Oatley, Shannon Crees, and Lexi Land are getting together to exhibit their visually stunning and expressive artworks for the first time ever.

Having met in their former creative lives as fashion students 15 years ago Mia Oatley and Shannon Crees were inspired to create a group exhibition of female artists after a catch up chat and cup of tea in the studio.

Lexi Land's vibrant and sensual mixed media photography taking herself as muse was a natural fit with the exhibition.

Sharing a common love of creating artwork inspired by the female figure and creatures both real and imagined CREATURES LOVERS AND WILD WOMEN presents a stunningly colourful experience.

The exhibition will take place in Mia Oatley’s beautiful Art Deco studio where visitors will be able to engage with paintings, drawings, photography, and limited edition prints in a warm and inviting artistic atmosphere.

Featuring the works of
Mia Oatley
Shannon Crees
Lexi Land

Music by Ivan De sousa
Drinks (sponsored) tba

OPENING DRINKS Sat 3rd May 4-6pm
The exhibition will also be open on Sunday
the 4th of May 1-6pm
5 THe Crescent Annandale, 2038, NSW

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Shannon Crees Awesome and beautiful works!! get ready 4 the show of the year x
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Dont forget everyone- if you share the event you will be in the running to win a spot in our VIP art workshop on the sunday. Everyone will get to create and take home a finished artwork : )
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Lexi Land's work is oh so lush and divine. We can't wait to see what she will create for this show xx
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We are all getting very excited about this lush show!! Here's a sample of some of the work that will be in it by Mia Oatley xx
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Getting excited about our exhibition! Yay!! Had a clean out of the studio yesterday and it's looking amazing. Looking forward to seeing you all SOOOOON!! XXX
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So excited to announce that Miss Lexi Land will be exhibiting some of her stunning works in Creatures Lovers and Wild Women!! Can't wait!
— with Lexi Land.
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Budgies xx
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