Wednesday, October 26, 2011

What's the New work All About?

It's an exciting time in the studio. The recent confirmation of 2 solo shows in 2012 has got me working like a demon. The first show will be at Gallery One on the Gold Coast in February 2012, and the following will be in Sydney in September of the same year.

I'm the type of artist that really needs deadlines. It really gets my blood pumping. I work well under pressure, it's when I produce my best work. Otherwise there's far too much time to enjoy life, something the Italians have made an art out of,  but not the best way to get exhibitions done on time.

People keep asking me what the new work is about lately, so it's got me thinking about it too.
My work is almost always about love. My muse has been my lovers, love itself, even the feelings and strength in being alone and cherishing the passion and strength inside of me.

New relationships are like a renaissance, like spring spreading vines, and blooming flowers every where. My relationship with my boyfriend was just 6 months old when we visited Bali earlier this year. I was there to meet his son, so we did things that I never would have done if we had of been alone. One of them was to visit the Bali bird park. It truly blew my mind away.  After doing a few paintings with birds when I returned, it's not until 7 months later that the full impact of that trip has really crept into my work. Stunning golden Macaws, and the lush foliage of the tropics has wound it's way into my paintings, with startling results. The colours are intense and jumping off the canvas.  

I'm also including a new body of portraits in the Gold Coast exhibition, which is very exciting. It's a new direction in my work, which has received a lot of attention, and something that people haven't seen yet in an exhibition.

I have also been thinking about May West. Holly Wood's original bad girl.  Her famous statement " good girls go to heaven and bad girls go every where" is just wonderful. Of course bad girls go every where, because they are not wasting time trying to be good, or please every body.

The women I chose to model for me, through their decision to become artists, and other personal decisions in their life have all had to go their own way.   Not being a good girl is not always easy, that is why I wanted strong women with a unique sense of flair and individuality.
I wanted to choose women who could create more than just good poses, women who embody a sense of freedom, and power, who could represent the  place in my life where I'm at now, and where I'm going........

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