Monday, May 2, 2011


This image is taken from a series of light box's that I did in Paris. It's called First day of Spring.
It show's a group of students sitting around in one of Paris' beautiful parks taking in those first rays of glorious spring weather, where after such a cold and harsh Northern winter Spring effects everybody's senses. The grass seems greener, the air cleaner, love blossoms, and hope fills your heart once again.

Recently a friend who was studying and living in Paris died in tragic circumstances. Out of respect to her family and close friends I won't go into detail, nor reveal her name. Now that the funeral has passed I have a more than adequate understanding of a surreal and horrible reality, but I  prefer not to remember my friend like this, nor let the image I have of a beloved city become tainted.

I'm thinking of Paris on the day that I shot this image. A day that brought me so much pleasure, a day that my friend would also have recently have enjoyed. All the students sitting on the grass, the children playing with toy boats on the lake, lovers laying on the grass, and the beautiful sun, so missed in the bleak winter radiating warmth and inspiration.

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