Tuesday, June 14, 2011


I've just been reminded by an old school friend of my wild and crazy hair circa 1993. " Oh dear that dreadful perm. That mouth filled with metal.That flat chested body that made boys yell out "hey surfboard" for nearly 2 years. High school! What a dreadful time.

Looking back on the photos I wasn't that bad looking, an ugly duckling, not quite, just a clumsy swan about to bloom, but gee blooming sure got me into a lot of trouble. I didn't really know what to do with the attention of boys once I started turning into a swan. I still wanted to be one of the boys, that is hanging around in the art room or scrap metal yard with my dad.

But after the boys, then came the men.
Oh dear! Some of my adult relationships!
Let's just say I'm not very good at picking up the warning signs of the first signs of trouble in paradise. An ambulance could come roaring through, bleating danger! And I think I would still miss it.

And now at 34 as a fully fledged swan, you'd think I could stay out of man trouble, but no man trouble seems to be one of those things that persist.  The secret of minimising it methinks is good communication. Nothing and I mean nothing feels better than when the standoff has ended and a set of manish whiskers and warm skin is nuzzled in close to you on a cold night.

No matter what is going on in my life I need to be inspired to make good work.
After a few flat days of staring out to sea, and looking for some inspiration in those giant waves,smashing against against the rocks, I found it again.

My creativity is flowing like a fast water rapid, paintings that have dwindled for a while pull together in a few easy strokes. Wild colour schemes that belong to hot sensuous days pour out of me. Everything is forgotten as I work.

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